Welcome to the L-Word online!

We use this space to share some of what we put in the paper plus things that we find out about too late to get them in. It's updated at least monthly, near the beginning of the month. And sometimes in between when we find out about something exciting, so check back.
We've got a local calendar and archives of Kulture Klatch, Ruth's Review, and Montanna's spirituality column, and local resources. If there's something you'd like to see here please contact us! We are always looking for info to share.
International Women's Day Rally and Celebration
All of us: Women, Queers, immigrants, and everyone who's appalled and terrified at the many terrible things happening to our people, our country and our planet under our would-be king, are invited to come show your resistance at the Humboldt County courthouse from 12-2 pm on International Women's Day, March 8. Bring signs and songs and ideas to share.
That evening, 5-8 pm at the Jefferson Center, 1000 B in Eureka, join Centro del Pueblo and the Humboldt branch of the women's international League for Peace and Freedom in a celebration. Food, dancing, theater, stories, and information on protecting immigrants' and all of our rights.
cdpueblo.com/events. <
Two Spirit Celebration
The spring equinox, March 21, is TwoSpirit Celebration and Awareness Day, and the Northern California Indian Devlopment Council, Da'Luk Youth program, and Queer Humboldt are celebrating with events March 13-16, including a movie, dinner, gardening, and a drag show and poetry reading. queerhumboldt.org/events-and-community-calendar/.
Afternoon Tea
Queer Humboldt is also doing thier first-ever benefit this month, on March 30, 2-4 pm at the Eureka Women's club. There will be refershements, entertainment, and a Silent Auction. queerhumboldt.org/events-and-community-calendar/.
Anti-Racism resources
Thank you to all the folks who are working to learn about, resist, and change the racism this country was built on. We honor the best part of the history of this country, the ideals that helped create it, by remaking it to include, support, and respect all of us. Here are a few suggestions for reading and organizations to support from Maggie of Humboldt SINGS, and a longer list that includes more organizations, videos, and books that we got from the Arcata Library. There's a lot out there, explore!
h1>Not my President's Day
People will be gathering at the Humboldt county courthouse at noon on Monday Feb. 17 to say No! to attacks on people and domocracy and to support each other. Join us!
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible knapsackNYT 1619 Project
equal justice project
accountability statement by Robin DiAngelo
and here's the long list:
antiracism resources.
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