Local Groups

Here you will find listed a variety of groups that are local to the area. If there is something that you think should be listed here that isn't, don't hesitate to contact the L-Word with the details!
organizing. socializing. educating. celebrating
Dyke Hike
Monthly hikes. For more information, call Sue at (707) 822-3405, or send us an email to get on the reminder list
The Treehouse www.facebook.com/groups/207528919424746
The treehouse is a local lesbian chat group on Facebook. Join us!
HSU Queer Student Union
Meets Thursdays at 7pm during the school year at the Multicultural Center, House 55, Humboldt State University qsu@humboldt.edu
HSU Women's Resource Center
Meets Fridays at 3pm during the school year at the Multicultural Center, House 55, Humboldt State University
Queer Youth Coffeehouse
Meets Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm at Raven, 523 T Street, Eureka, (707) 443-7099.
A safe space for youth (ages 10-21) who are queer, questioning, or allied to hang out and have fun.
Humboldt Transgender Unity
Support and connections for transgendered people and their friends. Call Karin at 707 307-3988, Loren at 707 476-0758 or email humboldttransunity@ymail.com. There's also an online discussion forum
Redwood Pride
Redwood Pride organizes our yearly pride celebrations plus other activities to create community throughout the year
Queer Humboldt
An online resource for Humboldt County's LGBTQI community.
Queer Humboldt offers a free monthly online newsletter--email info@queerhumboldt.orgto get on the list.
Eric Rofes center for Multicultural Queer Studies at HSU
The Mission of the Eric Rofes Queer Resource Center is to move the campus from an attitude of tolerance to an attitude of acceptance toward the queer community. It's in House 53, across from the Multicultural center. Meets Wednesdays at 7 pm during the school year in the ERC. 826-3795