Community Resources

Here you will find listed a variety of local resources. If there is something that you think should be listed here that isn't, don't hesitate to contact the L-Word with the details!
Local Resources
Raven Youth Services
523 T St. Eureka, 443-7099
The RAVEN Project is a youth led, youth implemented street outreach program/drop-in center. The population RAVEN serves is youth up to age 21 whom are homeless, runaway, traveling, disenfranchised, street, or at risk.
I'm Still Here
Support group for people dealing with depression and/or mood swings meets one the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at 5pm at Outer Space, 11th and M in Arcata.
Lavender Friends and Families
Support, information, and resourcs for friends and families of LGBTQIA+ folks.
Lesbian Emergency Fund
Provides small loans/grants to lesbians/dykes/queer women in any kind of emergency.
Call Sue at 407-8367
Alcoholics Anonymous
24-hour answering service: 442-0711
Narcotics Anonymous
Information line: 444-8645. Women's meetings are noon on Saturdays at 6th St and Summer St in Eureka
Overeater's Anonymous
Hotline: 441-9705 for recorded information and meetings.
Codependents Anonymous
Find out the details by calling 445-3833
Humboldt Breast and Gyn Health project
987 8th Street (across from the Arcata Co-op)
Arcata, CA 95521
Phone: (707) 825-8345
Toll-free: (877) 422-4776
Humboldt Breast and GYN Health Project offers support and education for those facing concerns about or a diagnosis of breast or gynecologic cancer.
North Coast Rape Crisis Team
24-Hour Crisis Line: (707) 445-2881
Office: (707) 443-2737
Provides crisis services; coordinates self-defense classes and education about rape.
Humboldt Domestic Violence Services
24-Hour Crisis Line: (707) 443-6042 or toll-free 1-866-668-6543
Office: (707) 444-9255
Services for women and men who are or have been in abusive
relationships (and their children).
Kunle Community
Supporting mental wellness. Warm line Fri, Sat. Sun. 6-12 pm 599-2381. We are here to listen to you!
Located at the Humboldt Senior Resource Center in Eureka.
443-9747 x 245
Legal Services of Northern California
P.O. Box 1017, Eureka, California 95502
(707) 445-0866 X304
Free Legal Services for Low Income and Seniors
North Coast AIDS Project (NorCAP)
529 I Street, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 268-2132
NORCAP provide AIDS education and prevention, plus direct services for people living with HIV/AIDS.
HIV Kids
P.O. Box 6373, Eureka, CA 95502-6373, (707) 445-8154
HIV Kids is a nonprofit organzation of volunteers whose mission is to provide food, clothing, shelter, and happiness to children and families who are infected, affected, or orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Your support is needed; all donations go directly to client services and are tax-deductible.